Wednesday, September 17, 2014

622. Charitable

622. Charitable
Definition: (adj) of or relating to the assistance of those in need
Location Placed: Rook Coffee, Little Silver, New Jersey
Date Placed: 9/12/14 at 11:40am

After a morning visit to the doctors, I decided to see what Rook was all about. Their logo, a black raven-esque bird with a white circle around it and a larger black circle behind it, is pretty prevalent in the area on shirts and bumper stickers. I'm all about creative advertising that leads a person in. The Rook in the Little Silver Train Station is quite lovely. I wish it had been there when I used that train station regularly when living up that way. I had the Berry Tea, which was quite good. I definitely foresee myself going back to one again. Perhaps I'll check out one of the several other locations as they are definitely a good spot for crane releases!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

621. Luxurious

621. Luxurious
Definition: (adj) extremely comfortable, enjoyable, or elegant
Location Placed: Kittatinny Campground, Barryville, New York
Date Placed: 8/31/14 at 10:24am
Status: FOUND! 


We spent our long Labor Day Weekend camping up at Kittatinny Campgrounds in New York. We had been there a couple of years prior and really enjoyed it. This weekend was no different. We did a rafting trip down the Delaware River. Definitely was solid weather for campfire cooking and s'mores. I look forward to going camping again next summer.

Another bonus was that I found an email waiting in my inbox when I got home saying that this crane was found! Another group camping found the crane and took a picture! Hopefully that had as great a time as we did.

620. Glamorous

620. Glamorous
Definition: (adj) beautiful, attractive, lovely
Location Placed: Allaire State Park General Store, Howell, New Jersey
Date Placed: 8/29/14 at 12:24pm

I had a day off of work and was passing by the area, so I decided to make an impromptu stop at
Allaire State Park as I missed the General Store and Bakery on my previous visit. The General Store had a lot of neat local books and knick knacks. They also had my favorite, candles. I definitely saw a couple scents I would've liked to buy if I didn't already have too many candles. They have a lot of seasonal offerings, so I definitely want to pop back in again during the other seasons.

619. Desirable

619. Desirable
Definition: (adj) wanted or wished for as being an attractive or necessary course of action
Location Placed: Indian Road Cafe, New York City, New York
Date Placed: 8/25/14 at 3:01pm

We went to Indian Road Cafe for a bit of lunch before I headed back home. I had a very delicious grilled cheese sandwiches with apples on it. Definitely a good place to go for a solid bite to eat. We also had the homemade ice cream that they get from a local place, which was absolutely wonderful. I look forward to going back and trying a few more things off the menu. From what I hear, there's very little that this place doesn't make absolutely amazing.

618. Appealing

618. Appealing
Definition: (adj) attractive or interesting
Location Placed: Starbucks, 43rd and 9th, New York City, New York
Date Placed: 8/25/14 at 1:17pm

For my second day in New York City, we did a tour of the island of Manhattan by boat. It was pretty impressive. I haven't seen a lot of the City, so it was really awesome to be able to see it by the water. It makes me want to go up and visit more, do more exploring. Hopefully I can see more of the eastern and southern parts of the island.  I love being able to go up for a day or a weekend to see all the different things. I'm definitely a suburban girl at heart who enjoys the big city on occasion.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

617. Rugged

617. Rugged
Definition: (adj) having or requiring toughness and determination
Location Placed: New York Botanical Garden Library, Bronx, New York
Date Placed: 8/24/14 at 4:19pm

The library had an awesome orchid garden in the middle of the entry way and an awesome exhibit on the woman who made this garden what it is today. It has a very grand entry with a Tulip Tree allee that leads up to the Fountain of Life. Definitely quite picturesque in the grounds of the garden. I can imagine a horse drawn carriage gliding up the allee to the library. I definitely enjoyed my visit to the botanical garden and got lots of really neat flower and foliage shots.

616. Caress

616. Caress
Definition: (v) to touch gently or lovingly
Location Placed: New York Botanical Garden Goldman Stone Mill, Bronx, New York
Date Placed: 8/24/14 at 3:14pm

The Stone Mill was quite gorgeous. Set right by the Bronx River, it used to be used to produce stone blocks back in the day. Now it is used as a wedding reception facility. It was set for a wedding so I can only imagine how lovely it is filled with some couples wedding guests. I imagine it would be a great place for pictures with all the gorgeous flowers and foliage, even in the late summer. The key time to go is in end of April/beginning of May when everything is in full bloom. I definitely want to try to get back there one day for that!

615. Gifted

615. Gifted
Definition: (adj) having exceptional talent or natural ability
Location Placed: New York Botanical Garden Gift Shop, Bronx, New York
Date Placed: 8/24/14 at 2:45pm

I took a trip up to visit a friend in NYC so that we could do some adventuring as we both hadn't been, but wanted to go, to the New York Botanical Garden. And it did not disappoint! It was absolutely gorgeous. We spent about 6 hours there walking and seeing all the different exhibits. Our ticket included the guided tram, which I would definitely recommend. It's all within walking distance if you're able to walk long distances. It was quite hot, so we opted to take the tram. Aside from recommending the rose garden, the conservatory, and library were also worth getting a peek at. I definitely would recommend it to anyone with a love of nature.